
Fire detection panel 16 to 24 zones 24V, with auto extinguishing output  and warning output for imminent extinguishing.
The FP-424 operates with 230 V A.C. power supply voltage. The panel requires 2 batteries Α-986 (12V/7Ah).

SKU:  203.0007


SKU: 203.0007 Category:


Fire detection panel 16 to 24 zones 24V, with auto extinguishing output  and warning output for imminent extinguishing.
The FP-424 operates with 230 V A.C. power supply voltage. The panel requires 2 batteries Α-986 (12V/7Ah).
It is manufactured in accordance with EN 54-2, EN 54-4.

It has:
– Central board with 4 zones.
(It can be expanded with FPZ-404 boards of 4 zones)
– Power supply 27.6 V 2.3 A Max.
– Power supply with lead battery equipped with charging and protection circuit.
– Alarm output with open circuit and adjustable delay time (ALARM) control.
– Auto extinguishing output with open circuit and adjustable delay time (EXT.) control. The output can operate with actuators or electro valves.
– Warning output in case of imminent extinguishing (PRE EXT).
– Auxiliary voltage Output 24Vd.c. / 5A Max. (BAT. OUT).
Dimensions: 29cm height x 69cm width x 8.5 cm depth.
Construction: metal box with electrostatic paint.


FP-404 connections


FP-412, FP-424 Specifications